About Wei


Astrology Soul Reading/Psychic Energy Healing:

I have been studying Evolutionary Astrology since 2012, and began offering astrology soul readings in 2014. After a trip to Sedona in 2018, I started to download and channel healing energy as well as guidance through astrology readings. In my readings, I perceive the energetic imprints, karmic patterns, and blockages in clients by listening with objectivity. Through astrology symbols I channel guidance assisting others to discover their authentic self, explore their highest potentials, probabilities, and develop emotional/energetic skills to evolve/transform through life.


I use art to detect, recognize and express complex, deep, rich and subtle energies in a person/being. In the process of drawing/painting, there is a magical integration and transformation happening, the fragments, conflicted parts become more harmonized, the resolution energies come from higher planes.


All crystals and minerals in my shop are 100% natural, authentic, and ethically sourced. My hope is to connect you with crystals that resonate with your own unique energy. My ability to recognize and detect energetic frequencies puts me in the unique position of finding crystals with other worldly energies, rainbows, starseeds energy, spirits, elementals, devas, if you resonate with those you will love my crystals!