2024 June Astrology

Enter the month of June, we have a stellium in Gemini, and a focus on Venus energy. On June 4th, Sun conjunct Venus at 14 degree Gemini, trine South Node in Libra, sextile North Node in Aries. Note that Venus is the ruler of South Node. The same day we also have Mercury Jupiter conjunction at 2 degree Gemini, trine Pluto in Aquarius. This repeating Gemini, Mercury theme, brings a focus on inspiring information, meaningful communication that has potential to shift your perception and perspective, either in personal relationships, or on a larger scale your social political view. Remember, the energy that creates social reforms comes from powerful individual transformation. The new wisdom, awareness and vision being shared within like minded groups, and expanded by the group consciousness, then the shifted collective consciousness can manifest changes into new social and political trends. With intense Gemini energy, we actively envision, explore, discuss and debate different possibilities and future probabilities either in conversation, or psychic communication. To be open and flexible is Gemini’s wisdom. During Jupiter transit in Gemini, we will develop this open to life mindset much better when facing life crises or social issues that trigger us.

Looking at South Node in Libra, North Node in Aries, especially in June, Sun conjunct South Node ruler Venus, North Node ruler Mars just past conjunct Chiron, these symbols correlate to intensify conflict, extremism and opposition energy from karmic patterns or programming. The South Node Libra represents a pattern within personal or social relationships, our emotional security comes from being in rapport with others. We tend to equal agreement with peace, being the same with harmony. We are restrained with a binary choice: to meet others needs, social standards to avoid conflict, or fight a war to gain individuality and personal freedom. The Pluto in Aquarius, gradually, opens up doors into new vibrations, providing new energy to assist us to imagine more multidimensionally. 

The nodal axis speaks to exploring how to balance Independence and togetherness within personal relationships, groups and society. We need freedom to explore our individuality, our differences, and self-discovery promotes inner change for us to envision new resolutions.  A lot of times when we feel stuck in conflict, we force changes on others or ourselves, only intensifying opposition. In those times, conflicts are necessary, are a process to facilitate changes within us, so the possible authentic resolution can enter our consciousness. If you feel stuck in this process, remember this part of life is also rich and meaningful, we are guided to learn how to recognize and process our own anger, rage and pain better, even just recognizing how we project them, is a beginning to break the karmic pattern. 

This Libra Aries karmic theme is supported by the Gemini stellium, we will be guided to new information, encounter interesting relationships, have meaningful conversations, and travel to curious places. When we can be open and flexible, give space to different even opposition views, the karmic energy shift within us, we listen and express ourselves in a more objective vibration, which means we are not energetically rejecting, denying, attacking or threatening each other’s perceptions of reality, both side can have the emotional security to own one’s authentic thoughts and feelings, this gives room for authentic change and growth.

The pressure and anxiety can come from Saturn in Pisces square New Moon and the Venus Star in Gemini. Saturn in Pisces can represent ultimate dreams, ideal reality, to create perfect rules and plans or to have perfect leaders, this can blind us to recognize and accept imperfect human beings, societies, and what is possible to improve and change at this time. 

Powerful Mercury Jupiter conjunction speaks to new information that could expand one’s consciousness, symbolize a leap in group consciousness and collective consciousness. This leap functions more as a seed being planted, that will blossom changes when ready. With stellium in Gemini, changes in personal life and society will happen very fast in June, within the limitations of current reality. 

Now let’s look at the energy shift in the second half of June, with Mercury Venus conjunction at 0 degree Cancer on 17th. During the Capricorn full moon on June 21st, The Sun will be at 1 degree Cancer, intensifying the energy of the Mercury Venus conjunction. Venus again being the ruler of South Node, the karmic patterns in relationships will shift into Cancer realm. Both Mercury and Venus will also square the nodal axis. There will be tensions in relationships, with the Cancer energy, everything feels so personal, and we can get so emotional and sensitive. This can be opportunities for childhood trauma, unresolved emotional trauma, unmet emotional needs and deep insecurities surfacing to our awareness. Often we unconsciously project all these in relationships, leading to heated argument and seemingly unresolvable conflict. Even this stage of projection, denial and argument is necessary for us to look at our own resistance, for us to recognize the part of emotional pain, deep insecurities and generational trauma we are ready to deal with. With the North Node ruler Mars moving into Taurus, there is potential that people can ground better in their own emotional energy. We may need a lot more personal space to process our fear, pain and anger that are rooted in survival. There can be breakups, separations, before we can re-enter, integrate new emotional awareness and communication skills into relationships, in a way we can recognize our authentic emotions, emotional needs, triggers, and be responsible, be more disciplined with our reactions to triggers. The Capricorn full moon provides the opportunity and energy support for this emotional maturity to develop. 

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